С 6 ого по 9 февраля в Москве прошла 28 международная отраслевая выставка AQUATHERM 2024.
TUBOG в доме культурного наследия
Реставрация системы отопления в доме купцов Тарасовых, город Краснодар
TUBOG в Карачаево-Черкесской республике
Трубчатые радиаторы TUBOG завоевывают популярность на туристическом курорте "Архыз"
Компания RIFAR побывала в гостях в студии ТВ Центр в утренней программе “Настроение”
15 декабря в Государственном Кремлевском Дворце состоялась 25-я юбилейная церемония вручения Ежегодной национальной премии МАРКА №1 в РОССИИ 2023
"Теплый вечер" c RIFAR в Краснодаре
RIFAR совместно с многолетним партнером компанией "ТЕРМОРОС" познакомили специалистов Краснодарского края с производством и преимуществами радиаторов TUBOG
On April 21, a training seminar for installers and designers of heating systems was held in the Select office.
The speaker of the seminar, the director of the Moscow representative office of RIFAR, Alexander Solodchenko, told the participants in detail about the technical advantages of RIFAR CONVEX vertical bimetallic radiators and RIFAR SUPReMO monolithic radiators. He also conducted training on the TUBOG brand product line, spoke in detail about all stages of the production of steel tubular radiators, unique technical developments , an X-ray quality control system and a new warehouse color scheme consisting of 18 corporate colors. One of the main topics of this seminar was steel with increased corrosion resistance - Correx, used in the production of both TUBOG steel tubular radiators and classic RIFAR radiator models. The participants of the seminar received full information about this steel and its technological advantages compared to steels of ordinary quality. To date, RIFAR is the only company in the industry that has a full range of equipment and technologies for the production of high-precision pipes, independently manufacturing longitudinally welded electric-welded pipes for the production of heating radiators .
RIFAR Corporate Center in Yekaterinburg
The speaker of the seminar, the director of the Moscow representative office of RIFAR, Alexander Solodchenko, told the participants in detail about the technical advantages of RIFAR CONVEX vertical bimetallic radiators and RIFAR SUPReMO monolithic radiators. He also conducted training on the TUBOG brand product line, spoke in detail about all stages of the production of steel tubular radiators, unique technical developments , an X-ray quality control system and a new warehouse color scheme consisting of 18 corporate colors. One of the main topics of this seminar was steel with increased corrosion resistance - Correx, used in the production of both TUBOG steel tubular radiators and classic RIFAR radiator models. The participants of the seminar received full information about this steel and its technological advantages compared to steels of ordinary quality. To date, RIFAR is the only company in the industry that has a full range of equipment and technologies for the production of high-precision pipes, independently manufacturing longitudinally welded electric-welded pipes for the production of heating radiators .
RIFAR award ceremony in the Kremlin
The speaker of the seminar, the director of the Moscow representative office of RIFAR, Alexander Solodchenko, told the participants in detail about the technical advantages of RIFAR CONVEX vertical bimetallic radiators and RIFAR SUPReMO monolithic radiators. He also conducted training on the TUBOG brand product line, spoke in detail about all stages of the production of steel tubular radiators, unique technical developments , an X-ray quality control system and a new warehouse color scheme consisting of 18 corporate colors. One of the main topics of this seminar was steel with increased corrosion resistance - Correx, used in the production of both TUBOG steel tubular radiators and classic RIFAR radiator models. The participants of the seminar received full information about this steel and its technological advantages compared to steels of ordinary quality. To date, RIFAR is the only company in the industry that has a full range of equipment and technologies for the production of high-precision pipes, independently manufacturing longitudinally welded electric-welded pipes for the production of heating radiators .