
Steel tubular radiator TUBOG.

Warranty and maintenance. An important element of the heating system is — Radiator. Here you will find important information about the maintenance and warranty that applies to TUBOG radiators so that you can enjoy your choice to the fullest.


RIFAR TUBOG radiators are guaranteed for 10 years.

The service life of radiators, subject to the requirements and recommendations for operation described in the finished product certificate, is at least 25 years.

Warranty and conditions of its validity:

The heating radiator is a long-term use device. The safety of its initial technical characteristics essentially depends on compliance with the norms and operation rules. The owner of the heating system is responsible for compliance with the rules and regulations for installation and operation. Careful and responsible operation of the radiator will allow you to enjoy the work and quality of TUBOG for a very long time.

The warranty covers radiators with defects caused by the fault of the manufacturer.


Good care will help you achieve more

Each radiator in a functioning heating system is subject to a natural wear process. Accordingly, the correct handling of radiators can make a decisive contribution to keeping them in good condition in order to extend their life as long as possible. That's why we've put together some helpful tips for caring for your radiator here.

Download: TUBOG Warranty

Operating restrictions

For long-term operation of heating radiators, the following restrictions must be observed: it is not allowed to subject the radiator to shocks and excessive loads that can damage or destroy it, including freezing when using the device in water heating systems;

it is not allowed to use a radiator as an element of a grounding or current-carrying circuit; it is not allowed to use a radiator in heating systems with a water-chemical preparation regime that does not comply with clause 4.8 of SO 153-34.20.501-2003 "Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation";

it is not recommended to abruptly open shut-off valves in order to avoid water hammer; it is not allowed to use a radiator in the DHW circuit (hot water supply); it is strictly forbidden to empty the heating system during heating and inter-heating periods;

it is not recommended to violate the requirements for transportation and storage of radiators in accordance with GOST 31311-2005; it is forbidden to operate radiators at pressures, temperatures and humidity values exceeding the allowable values specified in the device passport;

it is not recommended to clean the surface of radiators with aggressive methods using metal brushes, scrapers, abrasives, aggressive chemicals such as solvents, chlorine-containing substances, etc.;

operation in heating systems made entirely or partially of non-reinforced polypropylene pipes, reinforced with glass fiber or basalt fiber, reinforced with perforated aluminum, pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene PEX without an oxygen barrier, pipes made of high-temperature polyethylene PERT without an oxygen barrier, other polymer pipes without an oxygen barrier is not allowed .

The warranty coverage extends to the territory of the Russian Federation.

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