Terms of use

General rules, design, application and operation.

Design, installation and operation of the heating system must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 31311-2005, SP 60.13330.2016, SP 73.13330.2016 and SO 153-34.20.501-2003 "Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation" and be agreed with the organization responsible for the operation of the heating system.


To prevent accelerated corrosion, drinking device from the effects of electric current, heating networks must comply with the standards STO 17330282.27.060.001-2008.

When installing a radiator in individual heating systems with energy sources that have electronic or electrical control, be sure to follow all the grounding rules for these devices.

When installing a radiator in water heating systems, use only specially prepared water as a heat carrier for the RIFAR TUBOG model in accordance with clause 4.8 of SO 153-34.20.501-2003 "Rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation."

Pipelines for supplying coolant to the heater must comply with SP 60.13330.2016 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning".

Installation of radiators

The owner of the heating system is responsible for any local safety and installation regulations. Contact your service organization for technical advice or a specialized installer for installation work. Installation of a radiator in heating systems for collective use must be carried out in accordance with the heat engineering project created by the design organization and certified by the organization responsible for the operation of the space heating system, in accordance with building codes and regulations approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

Installation should be started after the radiator reaches room temperature in a natural way without direct exposure to heating devices. The installation of the radiator must be carried out with the obligatory possibility of blocking the inlet and outlet of the coolant. When self-assembling plugs and adapters, it is necessary to lubricate the gasket with a chemically neutral heat-resistant compound. Tightening torque of threaded elements, not more than: G 3/4” - 25 Nm, G1/2” - 23 Nm.


Recommended conditions for installation, operation and appeals

The manufacturer recommends mounting the radiator to pipelines without removing the protective polyethylene film. Before starting the system in operating mode, the film must be removed.

During operation, it is necessary to periodically remove air from the upper manifold using air vent valves, observing the precautions in accordance with paragraph 6.4 of GOST 31311-2005.

According to GOST 31311-2005, the radiator must be filled with coolant during the entire period of operation. Transportation and storage of radiators should be carried out in accordance with GOST 31311-2005.

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